9th International Conference
Information Technology in Biomedicine

Special Sessions

Computational Methods for Understanding Human Complexity


New explainable approaches of artificial intelligence help to investigate the relationship between internal biomedical processes of the human body with the huge amount of heterogeneous data that can be collected from humans (visual data, sensor signals, phenotype, genotype, microbiome, clinical history, etc.). We invite you to submit original scientific papers discovering the complex character of the human body and mind using data-intensive computational methods from the areas of pattern recognition, machine learning, data science, and pervasive computing. Human activity recognition, neurological assessment of movement, personalized nutrition, gait analysis, pain monitoring, and sleep analysis are just examples of possible application domains.

E-Mail: marcin.grzegorzek(at)uni-luebeck.de




Biomedical Engineering and Physiotherapy, Joint Activities, Common Goals


A modern approach to physiotherapy poses numerous tasks related to the assessment and monitoring of the quality of human health, both in terms of functionality and physiology. They are carried out in hospitals, ambulatories, laboratories, and in everyday life. Physiotherapists more and more often indicate the need to search for modern technological solutions, the implementation of which is possible only in close cooperation with the engineering community. Mutual exchange of needs and ideas, as well as the search for solutions, is the basis for creating more effective therapy programs based on objective knowledge about the patient's health.

The session is dedicated to the subject of mutual technical and medical cooperation in the field of human health monitoring, as well as the presentation of modern solutions in the field of diagnostics and therapy.

Session issues:

  • health monitoring,
  • methods of assessing human physiological and functional abilities,
  • technological support for therapy.

E-Mail: a.mysliwiec(at)awf.katowice.pl




Sound & Motion


In the scientific area of human motor skills, both in activities related to the implementation of daily tasks, as well as desired physical activity, whether resulting from the need for physiotherapy or physioprophylaxis or the need for physical activity, there is a severe problem of proper movement.

An essential effect of changing the lifestyle and the impact of biological or social dangers is a disturbance in the correctness of motor activities, leading to abnormalities in the static and dynamic posture, as well as deterioration of the psychophysiological condition.

In shaping or rehabilitation of correct movement and behavioral habits, an important role is played by appropriate motivation, realized both voluntarily and without the participation of consciousness, especially with the use of auditory or visual stimuli that are natural for humans. The combination of motor activity and neural stimulation by means of appropriately selected sounds is a way to act with high efficiency with the natural approval of the beneficiary, thanks to which the remedial actions can be more effective. Monitoring the physiological and behavioral condition requires the use of modern metrological systems and the involvement of a serious apparatus to search for knowledge in the aggregated large amounts of information, which leads directly to modern applications of artificial intelligence.

E-Mail: andrzej.mitas(at)polsl.pl




Special session proposals can be submitted via itib@itib.edu.pl.