The special session is devoted to methods and tools helping to increase, maintain and improve functional capabilities of patients with disabilities and also to recognize and interpret their current physical, mental and emotional state. A broad range of assistive technologies will be addressed, including solutions targeted at visual and hearing impairments, motor disabilities and cognitive deficits.
Prospective authors are invited to present the original research on hardware and/or software systems including audio-visual and alternative communi-cation aids, navigation assistance tools, wearable assistive technologies, accessibility software and human-computer interfaces (HCI).
A special focus will be put on applications of modern machine-learning methods and data processing tools in the wide context of diagnosis, therapy and patient support systems.
Technics like cognitive computing, deep learning, natural language processing, and machine learning combined with scalable, high performance SAS platform in healthcare applications can improve patient care. Computer systems can perform reliably, without fatigue, 24/7.
The session is dedicated to new systems and method connected with early warning on hard-to-detect conditions using image recognition, automated, personalized patient engagement, physician support for diagnosis and treatment course recommendations, genomics and many others.
A special focus will be put on applications with SAS as computing platform.